Prevalensi Dan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku (PSP) Masyarakat Terhadap Filariasis Di Kabupaten Morowali, Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah Tahun 2009

Nurjana, Made Agus (2009) Prevalensi Dan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku (PSP) Masyarakat Terhadap Filariasis Di Kabupaten Morowali, Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah Tahun 2009. Project Report. Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (P2B2) Donggala.

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Filariasis is still a health problem in Morowali District. In 2008 reported 15 cases of chronic health centers spread in 5 who had never done a mass treatment. This research was conducted to determine the situation and the PSP community on filariasis. Research conducted in the Village Mohoni and Keuno, District Petasia, starting from the month of August to December 2009, with cross-sectional design. Data situations I events filariasis survey obtained through Finger Blood (SDJ) in two villages (288 people). While activity with a questionnaire structured interviews conducted in two villages (210 people) to assess local PSP against filariasis, but the willing in the interview only 174 people (82.86%) and the results showed that the bulk of respondents (51.7%) educated under the Elementary and his living as farmers (64.9%), low knowledge respondents (50.6% does not know I have heard of filariasis, 86% who do not know the symptoms and no one knows the cause is a worm filaria). Only 16.3% of respondents who mentioned this disease is not contagious. Attitude of most people (51.7%) agreed to avoid the bite of a mosquito bite by being in the house or out of the house by using a shirt and trousers. However, interview results showed the opposite behavior, where 58.6% like to go out at night (get togethers with neighbors, watching television). Regional research filariasis is endemic areas (mf-rate 1.24%) to be considered to be a mass treatment. The attitude of the respondents had a positive enough but not followed by the same positive behavior, so that a continuous extension activities to increase public PSP Morowali district needs to do to get community participation. Similarly, to obtain more complete data and ensure necessary microfilaria numbers cooperation with various parties and further research with larger samples, a more comprehensive study covering vector, periodicity and the possibility of a reservoir host for tackling filariasis in the area.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Filariasis
Subjects: W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification) > WC Communicable Diseases > WC 680-950 Tropical and Parasitic Diseases
Divisions: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan > Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (P2B2) Donggala
Depositing User: Administrator Eprints
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2017 05:29
Last Modified: 02 Nov 2017 02:38

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