Defisiensi Vitamin A dan Zinc Sebagai Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Stunting pada Balita di Nusa Tenggara Timur

Taufiqurrabman, Taufiqurrabman and Hadi, Hamam and Julia, Madarina and Herman, Susilowati (2009) Defisiensi Vitamin A dan Zinc Sebagai Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Stunting pada Balita di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 19 (SII). S84-S94. ISSN 0853-9987

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Children of l - 5 years old often face nutrition problems such as undernourishment, vitamin A and zinc deficiency, anemia, stunting and low mental development index (MDI). Vitamin A deficiency can cause growth disorder and declining zinc transport and mobilization in the heart meanwhile zinc is needed in retinol binding protein synthesis. If the deficiency lasts for long it can cause growth disorder as manifested in stunting incidence. To study vitamin and zinc deficiency as risk factors for the incidence of stunting among underfives at Nusa Tenggara Baral. The study was analytic observational with cross sectional design. Subject of the study were 327 underfives of 6- 59 months at the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat. Nutrition status was assessed through measurement of anthopometry, retinal serum level using HPLC, zinc serum level using AAS and hemoglobin using hemoCue. Data of individual characteristics and rearing pattern were obtained through interview and nutrient intake were measured using recall 2 x 24 hours. Data analysis used bivariate technique for variable related to stunting, chi square test for category data, independent t-test for ratio and logistic regression test to measure risk of some variables simultaneously related to incidence of stunting. The result of bivariate analysis showed that was difference in age between stunted and normal under.fives (p<O. 05) . In the group of underfives that were no longer breastfed there was difference in intake of zinc between stunted and normal underfives (p<O. 05). The result of multivariate analysis showed that underfives that were no longer breastfed had risk 2 times greater for being stunted after the control of age, status of vitamin A and zinc. The effect is modified by age and breast-feeding. There was no evidence that showed that vitamin A and zinc deficiency among under fives were risk factors for the incidence of stunting. Variable that was individually as well as simultaneously significant for the incidence of stunting was breastfeeding status. Underfives that were not breastfed had risk 2 times greater for being stunted than those that were breastfed, and the effect is modified by age and breast-feeding.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Stunting, Vitamin A, Zinc, Retinal Serum, Zinc Serum, Hemoglobin, Breastfeeding Status
Subjects: W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification) > WS Pediatrics
Divisions: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan > Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
Depositing User: K A
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2024 06:25
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2024 06:50

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