Apolipoprotein E Sebagai Faktor Risiko Timbulnya Penyakit Jantung Koroner: Kajian Genetika Populasi dan Genetika Klinis pada Beberapa Kelompok Etnik di Indonesia

Hastuti, Pramudja (2013) Apolipoprotein E Sebagai Faktor Risiko Timbulnya Penyakit Jantung Koroner: Kajian Genetika Populasi dan Genetika Klinis pada Beberapa Kelompok Etnik di Indonesia.

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Allelic variation of Apolipoprotein E (apo e) has been shown to influence the concentrations of total cholesterol and Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) and considered to play a role as one of risk factors for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between apo e polymorphism and the risk of chd. this study also examined the distribution of apoe alleles in a three healthy populations of indonesia. Blood samples were collected from 33 samples from chd patients in dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta, and 38 healthy control individuals in a cross sectional study. In addition 195 samples from 3 ethnics populations of Indonesia i.e. from the western, middle and eastern region of indonesia were collected for population study. The common allelic variants of apoe were screened employing polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. The results obtained were analyzed by t-test and significantly different if p <0.05 and risk factor was calculated by odd ratio. Frequency of apoe &#949;2, &#949;2 and &#949;4 alleles in chd patients were 12.1%, 69.7% and 18.2% while in controls were 18.4%, 72.4% and 9.2% respectively. Apoe &#949;4 allele was one among risk factor for chd which was twice times higher than those other genotypes. The frequency of apoe &#949;2, &#949;2 and &#949;4 alleles in the western part of Indonesia were 20.7%, 70.1% and 9.2%; in the middle part of Indonesia were 24.2%, 61.8% and 14.0% and in the eastern part of Indonesia were 26.7%, 46.6% and 26.6% respectively. Apoe &#949;4 allele was likely to be risk factor for chd in the western and middle part of Indonesia with or 2 and 1.15 respectively. Apoe &#949;4 allele was one of risk factors for chd in the western and the middle part of Indonesia. Apoe alleles between the western and middle part of Indonesia was not significantly different, while the western and middle part of Indonesia significantly different with the eastern part of Indonesia.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: APOLIPOPROTEIN E; RISK FACTORS; Penyakit Jantung Koroner
Subjects: W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification) > WG Cardiovascular System > WG 200-460 Heart. Heart Diseases
Divisions: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan > Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
Depositing User: Administrator Eprints
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2017 05:26
Last Modified: 17 Nov 2017 06:35
URI: https://repository.badankebijakan.kemkes.go.id/id/eprint/337

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