Mapping/Permetaan Daerah Penyebaran Kasus Rabies Dengan Metode GIS (Geographical Information System)Di Kabupaten Sikka Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Mau, Fridolina (2009) Mapping/Permetaan Daerah Penyebaran Kasus Rabies Dengan Metode GIS (Geographical Information System)Di Kabupaten Sikka Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Project Report. Loka Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (P2B2) Waikabubak.

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The Rabies virus is present in saliva of animals all warms-bloded are susceptible to rabies and some may serve as natural reservoir of the virus. Rabies is stilla problem for world health including Indonesia. At Indonesia case data death which because of rabies (lyssa) regisrated 125 case one year. Rabies in Indonesia to be serios problem health community becausealways almost fatal after syptom klinikal of a disease with level death till 100%. Since 2004 until Desember 2009 years ago rabies spreading scattered 24 provinsi. Provinsi East Nusa Tenggara quantity case from the bite of a mad dog is 16.000 case one year. The aim of this research is to analyze the epidemiological spatial pattern of rabies in Sikka district in 2010 using Geographical Information system (GIS) in case mapping the distribute area to be as information in planning prevention and eliminasi rabies Sikka district. Tipe of research is cross sectional using Geographical Information System Approach which is able to visualize excess, sort and the data spatial. The population is the whole cases of rabies in register of district health office and register community helath centers at Sikka district. Sample is the whole fill the condition was 135 rabies patient. The analysis of the spatial pattern showed stratification spreading rabies case can be devided in 3 cluster. Centersdot cluster I in cordinate 8,622296 LS 122.215432 BT with 1,48 Km. Quantity dot case 58 (42,96%). Centres dot cluster II in cordinate 8.699204 LS 122.31267313 with radius 13,25 Km. Quantity dot case 41 (30,37%) and centers dot cluster III in cordinate 8.681881 LS 122.167690 BT. Quatitydot case 36 (26,66%). Spesification cluster used Satcan V7.0.2 with analysis space time permutation. Radius of case with community health centers to have been divided in 3 zone buffer. Zone buffer I the distance 2 Km subdistrict Alok Zone buffer 2 the distance 4 Km sub district Kewapante also Nita and Zone buffer 3 The distance 8 km sub district Kangae. District health office Sikka is expected to develop the strategy in controlling certain area with highest number of rabies with the geographical Charactheristic which enable the spreading of rabies in Sikka District. Distric Sikka at 2010 found 5 subdistrict with status area to besuspected that is subdistrict Magepanda, Doreng, Kangae and Waiblama

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: MAPPING RABIES CASE
Subjects: W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification) > WC Communicable Diseases > WC 500-590 Virus Diseases
Divisions: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan > Loka Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pengendalian Penyakit Bersumber Binatang (P2B2) Waikabubak
Depositing User: Administrator Eprints
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2017 05:30
Last Modified: 07 Nov 2017 06:46

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