Ketersediaan Hayati Zat Besi, Kandungan Zat Pemacu dan Penghambat Penyerapan Zat Besi dalam Makanan Ibu Hamil

Sadin, M. (1998) Ketersediaan Hayati Zat Besi, Kandungan Zat Pemacu dan Penghambat Penyerapan Zat Besi dalam Makanan Ibu Hamil. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

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The iron content, iron bio availability (in vitro method), enhancers and inhibitors of iron absorption were investigated in three different staple foods of diets in the district of Boyolali, Central Java. The results revealed that the average iron content of the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were 18.9 mg, 17.8 mg and 19.9 mg, respectively or equal to 34.3 percent, 32.0 percent and 35.0 percent of Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for Indonesia. The average vitamin C contents of the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were 21.9 mg (31.3 percent RDA), 21.1 mg (30.1 percent RDA) and 17.3 mg (24.7 percent RDA), respectively. The average of protein contents of the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were 47.1 g (78.5 percent RDA), 50.0 g (83.3 percent RDA) and 31.1 g (51.8 percent RDA) respectively. The average content of tannic acid and phytic acid as inhibitors of iron absorption in the diets based on rice, corn and cassava were (1145 mg and 261.5 mg); (980 mg and 342.7 mg) and (883 mg and 341.5 mg), respectively. An addition of 100 mg of C or papaya fruit (250 mg) into the diets, increased iron bio availability up to 54.2 percent.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: iron bio-availability; enhancer agent; inhibitor agent; in vitro
Subjects: W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification) > WQ Obstetrics > WQ 200-212 Reproduction. Pregnancy
Divisions: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan > Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD
Depositing User: Administrator Eprints
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2017 05:30
Last Modified: 08 Nov 2017 04:53

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