Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Wisatawan yang Terinfeksi Malaria tentang Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Malaria

Kurniawan, Liliana (2003) Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Wisatawan yang Terinfeksi Malaria tentang Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Malaria. Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan, 31 (2). ISSN 0125-9695

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With the ease of traveling around the globe nowaday, it is inevitable that travelers become exposed to infectious diseases such as malaria in endemic areas. Because the travelers from nonendemic area do not have immunity against malaria, the patient might suffer more severely than inhabitants of the endemic area. Death of patients encounterillg malaria while traveling in Indonesia has been reported. In an effort to anticipate such all event, a study on the Knowledge, Attitltde and Practice (KAP) of travelers who were infected by Plasmodium falcipauml and or P. vivax on the prevention and treatment of malaria was conducted. Questionnaires were distributed to 28 malaria patients of Medistra Hospital in Jakarta.from year 1996 to 2000 who become ill after traveling to an endemic areas. Sixty eight percent was hospitalized and 14 % was on intensive care. Sixty percent of respondents know that theye were going to a malaria-risk area, most of them understood the transmission, the main symptoms of malaria and how malaria was diagnosed. Ninety three percent know that malaria had a cure while 96 % knew that chloroquine and or quinine were the main anti-malarial drugs. Althollgh the respondents knew about the risk of contracting the disease, only 25 % took medicine and or used mosquito repellent. Thirty six percent of the respondents tried to treat themselves when they got.fever and or chills while the other went to the doctor. Blood tests for malaria were not performed in 50 % of the patients who seeked help to the hospital, as other di.seases were suspected as the cause of the illness. This study shows that it is imperative to isue guidelines for travelers and to distribute information on malaria endemicity and preventive measures for travelers at different checkpoints through printing and electronic media. It is very important for travelers to prevent themselves for being exposed to mosquito bites and to take prophylactic medicine. It is also very essential that medical worker have the ability to diagnose malaria as early as possible to be able to give prompt treament.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: malaria; traveler; knowledge; attitude; practice; Buletin Penelitian Kesehatan; P5-BPPK
Subjects: W Medicine and related subjects (NLM Classification) > WC Communicable Diseases > WC 680-950 Tropical and Parasitic Diseases
Divisions: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan > Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan
Depositing User: Administrator Eprints
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2017 05:29
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2017 03:43

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