Items where Subject is "QV 600-666 Toxicology"
- Library of Congress Subject Areas (4245)
- QS-QZ Preclinical sciences (NLM Classification) (810)
- QV Pharmacology (355)
- QV 600-666 Toxicology (4)
- QV Pharmacology (355)
- QS-QZ Preclinical sciences (NLM Classification) (810)
Kementerian Kesehatan RI, - (2023) Buku Pedoman Penanganan Gigitan, Sengatan Hewan Berbisa dan Keracunan Tumbuhan dan Jamur. Manual. Kementerian Kesehatan.
Murdiana, Ance (2001) Kadar Sianida di Dalam Sayuran dan Umbi-umbian di Daerah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium (GAKY). Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.
Purawisastra, Suryana (1998) Uji Efek Toksisitas Tepung Singkong Pahit Hasil Detoksifikasi pada Hewan Percobaan. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.
Wuryadi, Suharyono and Suroso, Thomas and Lubis, Imran and Muchlas, Enny (1987) EFEKTIFITAS FOGGING MALATHION SATU KALI DAN FOGGING MALATHION DUA KALI DALAM PENANGGULANGAN FOKUS DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE 1986/1987. Project Report. Puslit Penyakit Menular.