Items where Division is "Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD" and Year is 1999

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Number of items: 17.


Almasyhuri, Almasyhuri (1999) Pengaruh Fermentasi terhadap Kandungan Protein dan Komposisi Asam Amino dalam Singkong. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Apriyantono, Rossi R. (1999) Kualitas Telur Bermerek Khusus Dibandingkan dengan Telur Ayam Ras dan Buras. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Chistiani, Reviana (1999) Efek Suplementasi Omega-3 pada Penderita Artritis Reumatoid. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Imanningsih, Nelis (1999) Pengaruh Pengolahan dan Penyimpanan terhadap Stabilitas Asam Lemak Omega-3 pada Telur dan Ikan. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Lamid, Astuti (1999) Profil Asam Lemak Omega-3, Omega-6, Perkembangan Mental dan Psikomotor Anak KEP Berat dan Gizi Baik. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Martuti, Sri (1999) Profil Kesehatan Ibu Hamil di Propinsi Jawa Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Miawati, Tati (1999) Status Retinol, Karotenoid dan Tokoferol Pemakai Kontrasepsi Implan dan Suntikan dengan Komplikasi Pendarahan. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Muhilal, Muhilal (1999) Perubahan Prevalensi Gondok dari Tahun 1980 sampai Tahun 1998. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Pambudi, Djoko (1999) Hubungan Kandungan Zinc dalam Air Susu Ibu dengan Zinc Darah Bayi di Daerah Perkotaan, Pedesaan dan Pantai. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Permaesih, Dewi (1999) Dampak Pemberian Kalsium terhadap Tekanan Darah Ibu Hamil di Bogor. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Prihatini, Sri (1999) Distribusi Konsumsi Pangan antar Anggota Rumah Tangga pada Saat Krisis Ekonomi di Dua Desa IDT Kabupaten Subang. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Purawisastra, Suryana (1999) Fermentasi Substrat Terendam Ampas Kelapa untuk Pembuatan Mannosa. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Saidin, Muhamad (1999) Pengaruh Pemberian Tablet Besi Satu Kali Seminggu terhadap Status Hb dan Status Besi Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Saraswati, Edwi (1999) Dampak Suplementasi Makanan Berkalsium terhadap Pertumbuhan Tulang Anak Umur 9-11 Bulan. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Soetrisno, Uken S.S. (1999) Makanan Tambahan dengan Indeks Glikemik Tinggi untuk Pemenuhan Gizi Anak Sekolah. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Suwardi, Susi S. (1999) Efektivitas Suplementasi Vitamin A Dosis Tinggi terhadap Tingkat Penyembuhan dan Status Imun Anak Balita Penderita Tuberculosis Paru. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Yuniati, Heru (1999) Pengaruh Bakteri Psikrotrof terhadap Mutu Gizi Susu Segar. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

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