Items where Division is "Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD" and Year is 1998

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Number of items: 17.


Almasyhuri, Almasyhuri (1998) Kadar Kolesterol Darah pada Ibu Penderita Dislipidemia yang Diberi Niasin. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Dahro, Ance Murdiana (1998) Dampak Pemberian Niasin dan Kromium terhadap Profil Dislipid pada Penderita Dislipidemia. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Hermana, Hermana (1998) Uji Lapangan Alat Produksi Garam Beryodium Berskala Kecil di Daerah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Hermina, Hermina (1998) Keragaan Penerapan Pendidikan Gizi di Sekolah Dasar (SD) dan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) dalam Pelaksanaan PMT-AS di Perdesaan di Lampung Tengah. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Hidayat, Tjetjep Syarif (1998) Pengaruh Penanggulangan Penyakit Cacingan terhadap Status Gizi dan Daya Terima Pelajaran Murid Sekolah Dasar. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Irawati, Anies (1998) Penelitian Pemberian Tambahan Pengetahuan Gizi dan Kesehatan pada Murid Sekolah Dasar. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Kartika, Vita (1998) Uji Coba Suplementasi Besi Asam Folat dan Vitamin B12 untuk Menanggulangi Anemia. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Kartono, Djoko (1998) Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin B Komplek pada Ibu Menyusui terhadap Kualitas Air Susu Ibu (ASI). Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Luciasari, Erna (1998) Tingkat dan Ragam Konsumsi Pangan Golongan Usia Lanjut di Panti Werdha Budi Luhur dan Hanna di Yogyakarta. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Mudjianto, Trintrin T. (1998) Pengetahuan Guru tentang Gizi dan Kecacingan di Empat Sekolah Dasar Penerima PMT-AS di Desa IDT Bengkulu. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


Purawisastra, Suryana (1998) Uji Efek Toksisitas Tepung Singkong Pahit Hasil Detoksifikasi pada Hewan Percobaan. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.


S.S Soetrisno, Uken (1998) Kadar Zat Gizi dan Cita Rasa Hasil Fermentasi Cair Ikan Rucah. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Sadin, M. (1998) Ketersediaan Hayati Zat Besi, Kandungan Zat Pemacu dan Penghambat Penyerapan Zat Besi dalam Makanan Ibu Hamil. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Saidin, M. (1998) Peningkatan Status Gizi Anak Balita di Lingkungan Keluarga Pekerja Wanita. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Saraswati, Edwi (1998) Risiko Ibu Hamil Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK) dan Anemia untuk Melahirkan Bayi dengan Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR). Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Soetrisno, Uken S.S. (1998) Perilaku Makan dan Kegiatan Pekerja Wanita dalam Hubungannya dengan Tingkat Produktifitas Kerja. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

Sumarno, Iman (1998) Status Yodium Tubuh Anak Sekolah Dasar dan Ibu Hamil di 25 Dati II di Propinsi Jawa Barat. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Nutrition and Food, NIHRD.

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