Items where Division is "Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD" and Year is 1999

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Number of items: 11.


Heriyanto, Bambang (1999) Respon Antibodi Anak Pasca Pemberian Boster Campak. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Isbagio, Dyah Widyaningroem (1999) Kekebalan terhadap Difteri dan Tetanus Anak Sekolah Dasar dalam Program BIAS (Tahap I). Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Maha, Masri Sembiring (1999) Penentuan Kriteria Klinis Penderita DBD pada Orang Dewasa. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Notosiswoyo, Mulyono (1999) Penelitian Model Standard Pengobatan Tradisional Patah Tulang sebagai Pengobatan Alternatif. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Ompusunggu, Sahat (1999) Uji Coba Diethylcarbamazine-Garam untuk Pemberantasan Filariasis di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Rofiq, Ainur (1999) Kejadian Putus Berobat Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru dengan Pendekatan DOTS. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Sihombing, Marice (1999) Usaha Mendeteksi Adanya Campuran Bahan Babi dalam Makanan Olah dengan Metoda Gel Diffusion Test. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Triatmodjo, Pudjarwoto (1999) Pola Resistensi M.tuberkulosis terhadap OAT pada Kasus Baru dan Kambuh di Daerah Jawa Barat. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.

Triatmodjo, Pudjarwoto (1999) Pola Resistensi Mycobacterium Tuberculosis terhadap Obat Anti Tuberculosis (OAT) di Jawa Barat (RS.Cisarua-Bogor). Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.

Tuti, Sekar (1999) Passive Case Detection (PCD) Sebanyak Indikator Besarnya Masalah Malaria di Daerah Kabupaten Banjar Negara. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.


Wuryadi, Suharyono (1999) Surveilance Influenza di Indonesia. Project Report. Center for Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD.

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